All online activity - practices, retreats, Recovery Dharma meetings, etc. - are now consolidated on the Order of Pragmatic Buddhists' Online Center for Pragmatic Buddhism at this web address: https://www.cpbonlinezendo.com/
Our Center is located at 3166 W. Broad St. in Columbus, Ohio 43204
Our hours are Sunday from 9:00am-noon as well as our Recovery Dharma meetings on Monday and Friday evenings at 7:00pm; and Grove City Zen practice on Thursdays at 6:30pm.
Sunday 9:30 am practice will be held in-person at the Center as well as on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 810 5746 7961 Passcode: 0408
If you're unable to get in via the above link, open zoom and enter meeting ID 81057467961.
You can find downloads of the Service Booklets on the Downloads page.
Recovery Dharma
Our in-person meetings have resumed on Mondays and Fridays at 7:00pm.
We also have an online meeting every Thursday at noon on Zoom:
See our Recovery Dharma page for more details.

Community Use!
Now that we have a location in the Hilltop/Westgate area we want to be your community center.
If you are in - or know of - groups who need a space to meet - from book groups to recovery groups to yoga or tai chi classes - we have the space for you. Whether it's a large open space (25 x 25) or a comfortable seating area for discussions, we have them.
Our pricing is very reasonable and can be adjusted based on the needs and size of your group.
Please email us at cocpbinfo@cocpb.com for more information or to view the Center.
Pragmatic Buddhism is mindfulness made meaningful for today’s world. When interpreted through the lens of Pragmatic philosophy, the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, are a relevant recipe for whole-life development.
The ultimate result of Buddhism evolving through time is a practical life plan laid out by the Buddha and clarified through centuries of teachings, talks, and our own personal practice.
We offer training and practice in various Buddhist meditation techniques as well as community celebrations such as weddings, funerals, celebrations of new children, etc. to all people in Central Ohio.
Here at COCPB, we are passionately committed to diversity and inclusion both in our center and in our city, we have a special focus on members of our community who are LGBTQ+.
Practice is held at the Central Ohio Center for Pragmatic Buddhism - 3166 W. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43204
Parking is available behind the building. You can enter through either the front or back doors. Parking for Sundays only is also available next door at 3160 W. Broad St.
Practice on Sundays at 9:30 am consists of a short silent meditation and sutra readings followed by a Dharma talk and group discussion.

Our Abbot, Dr. James Eubanks Sensei, with his teacher, Ryugen Fisher Sensei